Celebrating 5 Years!!!

FIVE Mighty Years!! Where did time go? Well let me tell you!

In 2019 I took the bold step to start my business. And I never imagined I would be the artist I am today. Truthfully I knew entrepreneurship was my calling but never did I imagine I would go onto Designing some of the Dopest looking hats and accessories.

Yes this journey has had its many highs and super lows, but it’s made me authentically who I am. Today this version of Akela the Artist would’ve never been who she is without Edged x Echelon, She is creating herself through each stroke of her brush as she knits her canvas together, thread by thread. So as we celebrate this milestone, I embrace the then, the now and the To Be.

Cheers to 5 Authentic Years of sharing a piece of who I am with the World!🎉🎩


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